Best West Direct: Selecting the right fulfillment company for your needs


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Selecting the right fulfillment company for your needs

Selecting the right fulfillment company for your needs

Selecting a fulfillment company could be just another item on your long list of to-do’s. It could be one of those things that never gets done because you don’t quite know where to start. Or, perhaps you’re not ready to make a commitment to any old packing and shipping company, but you want to make sure the one you choose is just right. If you’re thinking it’s time to consider a fulfillment company, here are a few tips to remember in the selection process.

First, know that fulfillment companies are a safe and viable option for outsourcing. They may seem a little sketchy, and some undoubtedly are, but for the most part, they are an ever-expanding industry and will be as long as ecommerce businesses are growing at such a  fast pace. Also know that, if used effectively, fulfillment companies can save your company a lot of money in the long run.

Things to look for in fulfillment companies

First, find out as much as possible about the people and procedures of the fulfillment company. Make sure they operate under a precise system that is efficient and cost-effective. Then ask them to prove to you how their system is better than another company’s. It’s ok to ask questions--you have a lot at stake. Find out as much as you can about their employees and their business philosophy. Make sure that philosophy is clearly being carried out and is demonstrated through the procedures and the people.

Second, find out what exactly the fulfillment company does. If you have a diverse customer base, you need to make sure none of your customers are jeopardized because they cannot order over the phone, for example. Most fulfillment companies process, pack, and ship orders to customers. They also act as a retailer’s warehouse. Some even go so far as to print and ship promotional materials and time-sensitive materials in catalogs, brochures, and flyers. Make sure the company you choose is compatible with your needs.

Lastly, as what kind of warehousing capabilities the fulfillment company provides. If they are operating out of a backyard shed, they clearly cannot take on a high volume of orders and be efficient. Be mindful of the fact that companies will want to take on as many new clients as possible (for the money, mainly), but do not always have the space to do so. Ask to see their warehouses and make sure they have enough room for your inventory. Also, make sure they have taken the property security measures to ensure the safety of your products. Do they have fences? How about security cameras? Be sure to inquire of the services and space available if your company’s inventory were to grow in the future.

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