Best West Direct: Why Go For the Custom Foam Packaging?


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why Go For the Custom Foam Packaging?

Our Foam-in-Place packaging is different from other foam inserts because it saves you warehouse space. How? Our Foam-in-Place foam expands up to 200 times its liquid volume when, where and as you need it. Isn’t science amazing? This significantly reduces the cost of storage and handling for you and your business and also helps you ship more efficiently to your customers. How efficient is it? Two 55-gallon drums of liquid components when combined can create a trailer-truck load worth of packaging material and custom foam boxes. It’s pretty incredible.

What is an INSTAPAK FOAM for Custom Foam Boxes?

The Instapak foam packaging is a combination of two components; Component A  is a Polymethylene Polyphenylisocyanate and component B is a Polyether Polyol Resin Mixture. When combined their reaction turns the liquid into solid foam to encase your product. Your product adheres to world class manufacturing (wCM) principles that ensure reliable and consistent product quality of our foam and custom foam boxes. It’s super simple to use for us and that means all your packages are shipped as quickly as possible.
Moreover, the innovative foam packaging technique uses the liquid foam that hardens to perfectly encase an object for safe transit or shipping in custom foam boxes. The foam is set into the bottom of a shipping carton to mold. Next, the object is placed onto the foam, securely contained in a sealed bag, allowing for the foam to expand and surround the object while it cures. This foam is a great solution for smaller objects such as vases and other fragile products, and even good for larger items such as electronic equipment. There really are a variety of products that could greatly benefit from this foam-in-place packaging.
This combination of components creates foam packaging and custom foam boxes that are fast, easy, and versatile.  The Instapak foam packaging process allows on-site production, at Custom Foam Packaging, of these polyurethane foam packages that can be used in a decentralized or on-line packaging operation. This packing option is ideal for cushioning, blocking, and bracing or void-fill applications. Instapak packaging and custom foam boxes provide excellent product protection against shock and vibration during shipping and handling.
Big Daddy at Fulfillment Service Company
Best West Direct
Fulfillment Center
23335 n 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

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