Best West Direct: Here We Go - Beat Diabetes Challenge, Fall 2023


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Here We Go - Beat Diabetes Challenge, Fall 2023

Here We Go! It all begins tomorrow! Are you ready to smash, crush, annihilate, and thoroughly BEAT DIABETES? From September 1 through December 25 you

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Here We Go!

It all begins tomorrow! Are you ready to smash, crush, annihilate, and thoroughly BEAT DIABETES? From September 1 through December 25 you are in Beat Diabetes boot camp. Your diet will change, the times you eat during the day will narrow, but most importantly, we hope that your blood sugar levels will drop lower, and you will approach normal blood sugar, as the weeks and the months of this challenge go by.

Every Wednesday I will post a video that is specifically targeted to you, our "challengees." Sure everybody will be able to view these videos, but know that they are made with you in mind, you who are determined to have a non-diabetic A1c by the end of this year. So PLEASE, PLEASE, do not miss a single Wednesday video.

Some of the information you need will be written in text like this, but most of the information will be in my videos. You cannot expect to reap the full benefits of this challenge/program to beat diabetes without watching these vitally important Wednesday videos. They will not only provide you with information, but they will also give you desperately needed MOTIVATION. You cannot afford to miss even a single Wednesday video. The Tuesday videos will be no more for the rest of this year - the Wednesday videos are going to get you moving in the right direction!

Toward the bottom of this email is my formula for a home, current A1c, titled: "Get an Approximate A1c." I want you to do this in the next few days. This will enable you to see where you have started this challenge, and will give you a number to compare with at the end of the challenge. So be a big boy or girl, and take the five glucose tests on a day in the next week, divide by five to get an average, and then plug that number into the calculator on the page indicated by the link.

Yesterday I posted a critical YouTube video about the diet you will adhere to in your four-month "boot camp." You will get the information for the meals and recipes by clicking on this link.

God bless you, and give you the grace to see amazing victory in these final months of 2023!

This Video was Made Just for You! (Must See!)

Must See thumbnail
Month 1 Meals
Assigned Vids Graphic
Nigerian Keto Meals
000 Vegan Keto for Beginners
16 Best Veg

Here are Links to Videos Featuring Keto tortillas/chapatis/flatbreads

Get An Approximate A1c

To figure your A1c at home, test your glucose 5 times in one day:

Fasting glucose in the morning
One hour after lunch
Three hours after lunch
One hour after dinner
Before you go to bed
Average these five numbers (divide by 5)

Plug that number into the calculator ON THIS PAGE

This will be a pretty close approximation of your A1c at this time.

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